Ward Members
1st - Bantu Jeevaratnam
2nd - Gonda Padma
3rd - Kaanuri Gangamani
4th - Nagesh
6th - K Sravanthi
7th - V Saarika
8th - J Lavanya
9th - A Sagar
10th - G Posanna
Karobar - Ranjith Goud
1st - Bantu Jeevaratnam
2nd - Gonda Padma
3rd - Kaanuri Gangamani
4th - Nagesh
6th - K Sravanthi
7th - V Saarika
8th - J Lavanya
9th - A Sagar
10th - G Posanna
Karobar - Ranjith Goud
Grama Panchayat Information
Total Population: 2257
Total No of Houses: 623
Female Population: 52.9 % ( 1195)
Total Literacy rate: 52.6 % ( 1188)
Female Literacy rate: 22.5 % ( 508)
Scheduled Tribes Population: 2.3 % ( 51)
Scheduled Caste Population: 22.1 % ( 498)
Working Population: 55.9 %
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011: 231
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011: 48.1 % ( 111)
Total Population: 2257
Total No of Houses: 623
Female Population: 52.9 % ( 1195)
Total Literacy rate: 52.6 % ( 1188)
Female Literacy rate: 22.5 % ( 508)
Scheduled Tribes Population: 2.3 % ( 51)
Scheduled Caste Population: 22.1 % ( 498)
Working Population: 55.9 %
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011: 231
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011: 48.1 % ( 111)